OUR 2020 Blog
Day 1 infinite recharge
Label: KickoffRelease date: Sat, 1/4/2020
- viewed video- delved into the rules- started priority list of things to test/prototype
Day 2 Infinite Recharge
Label: Begin Prototyping Release date: Sun, 1/5/2020
- prototyped power cell intakes #1 and #2- started power cell launcher #1- began to build gearbox #1- worked with color sensor- loaded new 2020 image onto RoboRio for the first time- started test mock-up of power port outer port- started test mock-up of color wheel
Day 3 infinite recharge
Label: Finishing Initial Mock-upsRelease date: Mon, 1/6/2020
- started to lay out chassis frame- selected wheels and configuration- finished and tested power cell launcher #1- started power cell intake #3- finished test mock-up of power port outer port- finished test mock-up of color wheel
Day 4 Infinite recharge
Label: Tech Work & Field Parts Release date: Tue, 1/7/2020
- finished analysis of color sensor- began Java code for color sensor- explored using CAD for chassis design- finished and tested power cell intake #3- finished and mounted shield generator switch- received first Falcon 500s
Day 5 Infinite recharge
Label: Gearbox & CalculationsRelease date: Wed, 1/8/2020
- continued to build gearbox #1- created spreadsheet to calculate torque with motors, gearbox ratios and lever lengths- finished and tested power cell launchers #3 and #4
day 6 infinite recharge
Label: Release date: Thu, 1/9/2020
- created motor list for PDP I/O- finished gearbox #1- tested power cell launcher #4 and #5- began constructing power cell launcher- coded and tested color sensor detection algorithm
Day 7 infinite recharge
Label: A Little CodingRelease date: Fri, 1/10/2020
- created two spark max motors in the code to test power cell launcher
Day 8 Infinite Recharge
Label: Chassis & Testing Release date: Sat, 1/11/2020
- started drive gearbox #2- drilled chassis center drive holes #1- configured two SparkMax controllers out of the box (and it was a software battle with comm issues, driver and client software re-installation, factory reset, etc.)- worked again on over-the-bumper intake- installed Neos on power cell launcher (prototype #6)- tested to find decent 18-foot range accuracy (75%) on the level (outer port not up high)- educated several more members on ferrules, CAN, PDP, PowerPole wiring
Day 9 infinite recharge
Label: Launcher EditsRelease date: Sun, 1/12/2020
- changed spacing on ball launcher, prototype #7
Day 10 Infinite recharge
Label: Motor code testingRelease date: Mon, 1/13/2020
- coded and tested closed-loop control on Neo motor speed for launcher
Day 11 Infinite recharge
Label: Accurate color sensing Release date: Tue, 1/14/2020
- fixed ball launcher- made color sensor strip extremely accurate
day 12 infinite recharge
Label: Chassis & Testing (again)Release date: Wed, 1/15/2020
- fixed and finished both gear boxes- configured new, out-of-box radio for 2020 season- worked on chassis wheel mounting holes - built ball launcher prototype #8 with Neo direct drive- worked on intake over bumper mechanism
Day 13 infinite recharge
Label: Smooth LaunchingRelease date: Thu, 1/16/2020
- finished launcher prototype #8- tested #8; result is very smooth operation- tuned PID coefficients for more stable behavior- continued working on chassis; versablocks to side rails & cam holes drilled
Day 14 Infinite Recharge
Label: Angle Testing & Chassis workRelease date: Fri, 1/17/2020
- tested launcher speeds, distances, angles- worked on chassis; one gearbox on side rail
Day 15 infinite recharge
Label: New RecruitRelease date: Sat, 1/18/2020
- new recruit worked with us today- migrated code to new framework- added Falcons for drivetrain to code- worked on chassis wheel assemblies- worked on electrical panel mockup for chassis driving- broke a 1/4-20 tap
Day 16 Infinite recharge
Label: Drivetrain ProgressRelease date: Sun, 1/19/2020
- assembled electronics panel for driving chassis- finished putting gearboxes onto chassis- installed all six wheels and chain onto chassis- tested intake prototypes- demonstrated launcher to new recruit
Day 17 Infinite recharge
Label: Close to drivingRelease date: Mon, 1/20/2020
- imaged RoboRio for driving chassis (new Rio from box)- loaded radio with firmware for driving chassis (new radio from box)- disassembled gearboxes and reassembled to remove loose #35 sprocket and unused gear- added pneumatics and tank to chassis- reconfigured launcher to prototype #9
day 18 infinite recharge
Label: Climb prototyping Release date: Tue, 1/21/2020
- prototyped a first climbing arm
Day 19 infinite recharge
Label: Drove Around!Release date: Wed, 1/22/2020
- developed and thought through ideas for climbing arm #1- gave the Falcons CAN addresses after a lot of puzzling and work- had robot code light in Driver Station alternating every few seconds red/green (Resolved problem)- tested rotation direction one at a time- corrected drive forward/back and turning polarities- tested shifting of drivetrain- drove robot for the first time with joystick; our maiden voyage for 2020!
Day 20 Infinite Recharge
Label: Short Drive AroundRelease date: Thu, 1/23/2020
-One member came in for a 20 minute drive around
Day 22 infinite recharge
Label: A Very Productive DayRelease date: Sat, 1/25/2020
- reduced chassis length by 1/8" on both ends so have some frame perimeter wiggle room- assembly of 3D-printed mecanum wheels- testing of intake with mecanums (no huge improvement because power cell is so sticky it doesn't travel sideways much with mecanums)- new prototype of climbing arm #2- prototype of climbing hook- put retroreflective tape on target- coded A button for switching gearbox speeds- test drove chassis with switching speeds successful- completed CAD analysis of DS input shaft and DS idler shaft for cutting down- created CAD model of intake side bars with spacing
Day 23 Infinite recharge
Label: Elivator prototype & Intake CADRelease date: Sun, 1/26/2020
- 3-stage cascading climbing arm #3 prototype (PVC)- start on trajectory tracking in code under new command framework- learning about burning ends of rope, tying bolin knots, pipe cutting, elevator types- designed in CAD intake arms- exported cut and drill template from CAD for intake arms- fabricated and tested intake arms from CAD model (good test; power cells need open space to roll in off of bumpers and pivot point needs to be lower)
Day 25 Infinite recharge
Label: Prototype & Rebuild GearboxesRelease date: Tue, 1/28/2020
- launcher prototype again- drew up and began bar level mechanism- rebuilt one gearbox to be 1.125" thinner- learned how to use a lathe to make new gearbox axle parts
day 26 infinite recharge
Label: Level & Intake testing Release date: Wed, 1/29/2020
- finished endgame leveling mechanism prototype- tested mechanism and it drove up 14 degree incline no problem with ~ 10 lbs. weight blew fuse when trying to carry 10-year-old up (53 lbs.) using BAG motor with 10:1 gearbox reduction- worked on shooter prototype adding feed conveyor- made inside-the-robot power cell indexer- tested power cell intake to find when & where balls got stuck or squeezed out between rollers
Day 27 infinite recharge
Label: Level material testingRelease date: Thu, 1/30/2020
- built new mechanism for generator switch balancing w/electrical tape not slippery enough torque/gear ratio not high enough- more work on finalizing ball launcher
Day 28 Infinite Recharge
Label: Ball indexing & leveler changesRelease date: Fri, 1/31/2020
- removed electrical board from chassis for adding mechanisms- built VersaPlanetary gearbox for climb leveler (with Neo 550 motor)- worked on shooter feed conveyor belt spacing- started adding cross piece for launcher pivot point to chassis- tested strength of Neo 550 motor with 15:1 gearbox for leveling the climb
Day 29 infinite recharge
Label: Basic ImprovmentsRelease date: Sat, 2/1/2020
- cut gearbox axles to fit inside frame perimeter- redesigned intake arms in CAD & rebuilt mechanism- put 9mm timing belts and pulleys on intake mechanism- built improved hook prototype for climb with level- decided on and used shorter 1/4-20 screws for fastening wheels on- worked on feed trough/hopper design and layout
Day 30 Infinite recharge
Label: Very strong leveler & new CADRelease date: Sun, 2/2/2020
- drew up another intake arrangement in CAD & fabricated it out of wood- changed gear ratio on climb leveler (now 50:1) due to stalling during testing under weight- with 50:1 leveler moves uphill with 100+ lbs. load- milled out holes on power cell launcher for belt tensioning- reassembled power cell launcher- began to CAD the climb hook
Day 31 Infinite recharge
Label: Design testingRelease date: Mon, 2/3/2020
- started building a 4-stage PVC elevator- revisited design for climb hook and adjusted CAD model- finished launcher reassembly and tested with conveyor feed
day 32 infinite recharge
Label: Release date: Tue, 2/4/2020
- worked on 4-stage PVC elevator and found high friction pulling across plastic at the top stage- got rid of conveyors on launcher- kept working on new command framework and trajectory tracking
Day 33 infinite recharge
Label: Elivator troublesRelease date: Wed, 2/5/2020
- started to build launcher mounting frame on chassis- worked on elevator with some different materials but still stuck
Day 34 Infinite Recharge
Label: Fast Launcher Release date: Thu, 2/6/2020
- revamped elevator with 4 stages to have sheaves and it works much better- tested launcher on chassis (5 balls scored in low goal with bumper at wall in 1.5 sec)
Day 35 infinite recharge
Label: A Nice VisitorRelease date: Fri, 2/7/2020
- visit from Rick Phillips of FIRST NC- began work on final electrical panel- began work on superstructure- iterated on elevator design (ruled out continuous with tube-in-tube design)
Day 36 Infinite recharge
Label: Release date: Sat, 2/8/2020
- rebuilt launcher with 1/4" polycarb (last year's hatch panel)- worked on indexer (several prototypes in actual robot)- worked on final electrical panel- worked on superstructure- worked on command framework software in Java- got new framework command working to drive test chassis with joystick- worked on chassis (removed components so they wouldn't be covered with metal chips)
Day 39 Infinite recharge
Label: Thanks DarksideRelease date: Tue, 2/11/2020
- took CAD designs for intake to 6502 for machining on ShopBot- weighed robot in at about 45 pounds
day 40 infinite recharge
Label: Release date: Wed, 2/12/2020
- worked on elevator with smoother pulleys/blocks- worked on climb mechanism- worked on integrating robot frame- finished assembling and tested intake- contacted Vex asking how PTO is supposed to work
Day 41 infinite recharge
Label: Release date: Thu, 2/13/2020
- held coordination meeting to write down and understand tasks & assign names- took pictures and responded to Vex's reply asking for more info on our problem- flashed new image to old Limelight & gave it a static IP address- wired limelight to KoP chassis and began to test web interface- worked on indexer- worked on belly pans and adjusted pneumatics on gearboxes- finished square-tube elevator- worked on climb hook; doubling the polycarb hook thickness on both sides for strength- developed shopping list to get robot to the finish line (mentor ordered parts with multiple vendors)
Day 42 Infinite Recharge
Label: Release date: Fri, 2/14/2020
- cut all axles to the final length, including gearboxes- worked again on indexer- worked on belly pans- worked on climb hook- worked on elevator
Day 43 infinite recharge
Label: Release date: Sat, 2/15/2020
- tapped all axles with 1/4-20 threads- added back belly pan- changed fasteners on chassis to locking nuts- changed chain lengths to match on both sides- built gearbox for launcher tilt- worked on launcher feeder mechanism- added versa pulley to launcher for tilt
Day 44 Infinite recharge
Label: Release date: Sun, 2/16/2020
- worked on electrical panel- integrated intake with robot- rebuilt elevator- worked on hook for climb- redid chains to be the same length- worked on shooter feed mechanism
Day 45 Infinite recharge
Label: Release date: Mon, 2/17/2020
- more work on electrical panel- wired motors- built a couple of planetary gearboxes- assembled pneumatic manifold with solenoids
day 46 infinite recharge
Label: Release date: Tue, 2/18/2020
- added Loctite to Falcons on the shelf- worked on belly pans and integrating electrical panel- worked on wheels- worked on integrating color wheel mechanism- wired pneumatic solenoids
Day 47 infinite recharge
Label: Release date: Wed, 2/19/2020
- took robot apart to get to gearboxes- began adding Loctite to Falcons from gearboxes- worked on shooter- worked on frame and integrating color wheel mechanism- began working on bumpers
Day 48 Infinite Recharge
Label: Release date: Thu, 2/20/2020
- worked on electrical panel- finished adding Loctite to Falcons- put robot back together again
Day 49 infinite recharge
Label: Release date: Fri, 2/21/2020
- finished bumpers- finished hook mechanism with ratchet to hold bar- worked on adding pneumatics to intake- worked on wiring PCM, Rio and breaker 6 AWG wire- added RSL to frame- started side panel for pneumatics- rebuilt other side panel for tanks- scoped out location for elevator gearbox and winch